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Supporting an Indigenous Voice to Parliament


The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) strives to create a society built on respect, equality and justice, where people and nature can thrive. That means listening deeply, acknowledging the truth of our past and present, and working towards reckoning, solidarity and justice. 

We have heard the Uluru Statement from the Heart call to support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament being enshrined in the Australian Constitution. As a grassroots, member-based organisation we have consulted with our members and listened to their diverse views and feedback on this important and historic referendum. 

Today, we accept this invitation for healing, respect and First Nations justice. The Statement from the Heart is a humble and generous offer to the Australian people. It proposes ‘constitutional change and structural reform’ to 'end the torment of First Nations powerlessness’ and 'allow ancient sovereignty to shine through as a fuller expression of Australia’s nationhood'. 

Organisations and individuals who support the Uluru Statement from the Heart are being asked to campaign in support of the yes vote in the upcoming referendum. We hear and accept this call for solidarity and action.   

We will support a yes vote to reaffirm our commitment to working alongside the wisdom of the oldest living culture on earth. It is a step in demonstrating that we, as an environment movement, are humbly and respectfully here to learn and take action to protect Country together.  

First Nations Peoples possess deep knowledge of Country, borne from having been a part of this land for tens of thousands of years. Today, First Nations communities continue to defend this incredible Country, Culture and the future, and resist the violence and destruction of colonisation.

We acknowledge the toll that the current public debate over the proposed Voice to Parliament is having on First Nations Peoples. It is unacceptable that First Nations Peoples' fight for self-determination is being placed under question in the public eye.

We also hold respect and understanding for the broad range of opinions that First Nations communities have inside and outside our networks – including those choosing not to engage. 

This is one part of a long journey toward solidarity and justice. 

Resources about the Voice and how you can be involved. 

Yes 23: This is an independent campaign led by Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition Ltd. The website has heaps of resources, information about the referendum and provides opportunities to learn, share and donate.  

You can also sign up to volunteer here

Passing The Message Stick: This is a report that details helpful information for talking about issues of First Nations justice.

Walking Together: If you are interested in attending workshops and training, this group gives people from all cultural backgrounds the tools they need to walk with First Nations Australians in unity. 

Uluru Statement from the Heart: You can download a supporter kit from the Uluru Statement from the Heart website. We also recommend exploring development of the Uluru Statement through the Heart dialogues.

Allies for Uluru: Tools and resources for talking to communities, including multicultural resources, social media assets and more.   

TEDX "An Idea who's time has come": This powerful talk by Dean Parkin is an absolute must-watch.

ABC “Reckoning with Australia’s Settler Colonial History: In this podcast we hear from Aboriginal legal experts Megan Davis and Teela Reid, who believe a First Nations Voice to Parliament in the constitution is the necessary first step. 

This article in the Conversation answers ten frequent questions about the Voice, providing a great resource before talking with friends and family who may have unanswered questions. 

Here is a great supporting infographic explaining the Voice.

The Australian climate movement supports writing 'Yes!' - Read the statement from an alliance of 43 climate organisations here.

The Voice to Parliament Handbook by Thomas Mayo & Kerry O'Brien | BIG W 

Groundswell statement of support 

Yes: A guide to talking about the Voice referendum


Other informative resources

Rising seas and a great southern star: Aboriginal oral traditions stretch back more than 12,000 years in The Conversation

What the land remembers before colonisation: In this talk, Victor Steffensen talks about memory and aligning with the memory of the landscape.

Welcome to Country - What is the significance of an Acknowledgment of Country for organisations?


To further support First Nations justice donate to these great Indigenous led organisations: 

Dharriwaa Elders Walgett  

Deadly Science  

Seed Mob  

Aboriginal Legal Service NSW